Fifth Grade

Curriculum At A Glance


Mandatory requirements from Orange County Public Schools:

1. Student will score above a Level 1 on the FCAT Reading Test. -OR

2. Student will score at least a 43 (instructional level) on the DRP Test. (1 and 2 are subject to change)

The following standardized testing results will be a factor:

1. Student will score above a Level 1 on the FCAT Mathematics test.

Your child’s performance on the skills below will also be a factor in the decision of your child’s promotion to 6th grade:



The student…

  • decodes words to clarify pronunciation, uses context clues and predicting to construct meaning
  • develops vocabulary by reading independently and using resources and references
  • monitors reading on or above grade level by adjusting reading rate summarizing and checking other sources
  • identifies examples of fact, fiction or opinion
  • reads and organizes information from reference materials to write a research report or perform other tasks
  • demonstrates knowledge of and supply use of graphic organizers/thinking maps to organize information in all
  • content areas
  • uses strategies to determine meaning and increase vocabulary (ex. Homonyms, prefixes, suffixes, word-origins, multiple meanings, antonyms, and synonyms)
  • identifies, classifies and demonstrates knowledge of words from a variety of categories an or above grade level
  • determines the main idea and connects ideas with relevant supporting details
  • describes how the author’s purpose and perspective influence the text
  • knows characteristics of persuasive text
  • understands comparison and contrast, cause-and-effect and sequence of events


The student will…

  • write a 5 paragraph essay (Narrative and Expository) with correct punctuation and proper sentence structure
  • write using the writing process consisting of six traits; ideas, organization, word choice, sentence fluency, voice, and conventions


Number Sense, Concepts, and Operations

The student…

  • explains the relationship between the decimal number system and other number systems
  • expresses a whole number as a product of its prime factors
  • knows that place value relates to powers of 10
  • translates problem situations into diagrams, models or numerals
  • multiplies common fractions and decimals to hundredths
  • determines the operations needed to solve one and two step problems
  • determines the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of two numbers
  • applies rules of divisibility and identifies perfect squares to 144


The student…

  • develops formulas for determining perimeter, area and volume
  • compares length, weight and capacity using customary and metric units
  • solves problems for determining perimeter, area and volume
  • determines whether a solution needs an accurate or estimated measurement
  • uses multiplication and division to convert units to measure
  • selects appropriate unit and tool for measuring

Geometry and Spatial Sense

The student…

  • describes properties of and draws two and three dimensional figures
  • applies and compares the concept of area, perimeter and volume
  • knows how to identify, locate and plot ordered pairs of whole numbers on a graph

Data Analysis and Probability

The student…

  • selects the appropriate graph for data
  • chooses titles, labels, scales and intervals for organizing data on a graph
  • completes and interprets circle graphs using common fractions or percents
  • uses technology to examine data and construct labeled graphs
  • interprets and compares information from different types of graphs
  • generates questions, collects responses and displays data on a graph
  • designs a survey to collect and display data on a complete graph


The Nature of Science

The student…

  • identifies, explains, and describes, or applies the scientific process (i.e., accurately reporting and analyzing data, reaching logical conclusions that reflect the data, repeating investigations for validity, asking new questions, and communicating results
  • knows to compare and contrast observations and results is an essential skill in science
  • knows that data are collected and interpreted in order to explain an event or concept
  • knows that before a group of people build something or try something new, they should determine how it may affect other people
  • knows that through the use of science processes and knowledge, people can solve problems, make decisions, and form new ideas

Processes that Shape the Earth

The student…

  • knows that larger rocks can be broken down into smaller rocks, which in turn can be broken down to combine with organic material to form soil
  • knows that 75% of the Earth’s surface is covered by water
  • knows that some changes in the Earth’s surface are due to slow processes and some changes are due to rapid processes.

The Nature of Matter

The student…

  • identifies properties and uses appropriate tools (e.g., rulers, balances, thermometers) to determine the properties of materials (e.g., density and volume)
  • identifies different materials made by physically combining substances and/or identifies similarities and differences between mixtures and solutions

Force and Motion

The student…

  • knows that an object may move in a straight line at a constant speed, speed up, slow down, or change direction dependent on net force acting on the object
  • knows that the more massive an object is, the less effect a given force has


The student…

  • knows how to trace the flow of energy in a system (e.g., as in an ecosystem)
  • identifies the source of energy by their source and properties
  • knows that most things that emit light also emit heat
  • knows the many ways in which energy can be transformed from one type to another
  • knows that various forms of energy can be measured in ways that make it possible to determine the amount of energy that is transformed
  • knows ways that heat can move from one object to another

Earth and Space

The student…

  • identifies and describes how the position of Earth in relation to the Sun impacts Earth and knows the effects of energy available to organisms

Processes of Life

The student…

  • knows that living things are different but share similar structures
  • knows that living things compete in a climatic region with other living things and that structural adaptations make them fit for the environment
  • identifies and explains the process and importance of photosynthesis

Social Studies

The student…

  • study United States History through 1865, starting with the human migration to North America and ending with the conclusion for the Civil War


Ideas for Helping Your Child at Home 

  • Encourage your child to share and discuss books that he/she reads.
  • Check planner and encourage homework completion.
  • Practice math facts; addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.